Common Medical Mistakes by OBGYNs

It can be hard to believe that a doctor would make mistakes, but it happens more often than you think. Doctors in all specialties make mistakes from time to time. While not every mistake can be considered evidence of medical malpractice under South Carolina law, certain mistakes are. Sadly, these types of mistakes can be catastrophic or even deadly.
Even doctors in the obstetrics and gynecology fields can be accused of medical negligence. In fact, it is estimated that 50% of obstetricians and gynecologists will face at least one malpractice lawsuit in their careers.
Most obstetrics-related lawsuits involve labor and delivery. The birth of a child is supposed to be a joyous time, but if a doctor is negligent, a baby may be born injured. The mother could suffer complications. In a worst-case scenario, the baby, mother, or both could end up dying during childbirth.
The most common causes of obstetrics and gynecology injuries involve the failure to supervise or monitor and negligence in a specific procedure. Diagnostic problems can also lead to medical malpractice. Here’s a look at some common medical mistakes in this field.
Birth Injuries
During labor, both the mother and child need to be constantly monitored. The unborn child’s oxygen levels and heartbeat must be monitored, as either can change at any time. Misuse of forceps and complications with the umbilical cord are two common causes of birth injuries. A birth injury can lead to severe brain damage or other serious physical injury.
Misdiagnosis During Pregnancy
A lot can happen during the nine months of pregnancy. OBGYNs need to recognize important pregnancy markers and perform all recommended tests. An incorrect diagnosis or failure to appropriately treat certain conditions in either the mother or child can lead to serious injury or even death.
Surgical Errors
Common surgeries related to pregnancies include C-sections and tubal ligations. C-section rates in the United States have risen over the years. Many doctors see C-sections as safer and more controlled than a vaginal labor and delivery. But while these procedures are seen as routine, any surgery carry risks, and if a surgeon makes a mistake, the mother or child could be injured.
Medicinal Errors
Errors can also occur due to mistakes with medicine, such as administering the wrong dosage or ordering the wrong drug altogether. These types of errors can cause injuries to an unborn child, and a baby may suffer deformities as a result. Tragically, a miscarriage can also result such mistakes. Because of the possible dangers, OBGYNs should know their patient’s complete medical history before prescribing medication.
Contact Us Today
Medical mistakes can happen in all medical fields. However, they can be especially dangerous in the obstetrics field, as a mother and child can lose their lives if the doctor is negligent.
If you or a loved one has been injured by a nurse, doctor, or other medical staff, seek legal help from the Columbia medical malpractice lawyers at Simmons Law Firm. We can help you file a successful claim. To get started, fill out the online form or call (803) 779-4600.